International Tang Soo Do Federation

International Tang Soo Do Federation Masters, Instructors and Black Belts Seminar
Posted November 15, 2017
October 27-28, 2017 – The International Tang Soo Do Federation held a second Masters and Black Belts Seminar that gave those who were unable to attend the first one in May an opportunity to participate in Judge and Referee Clinic and Certification, School Operations and Business Seminar, Black Belt Seminar, Recertification Testing for 4th Dan and up and Masters Testing for Sa Dan and higher. The events were successfully hosted by Kyo Sa Nim Ince and Yennie Ince of Ince Karate. Choong Jae Nim would like to give many thanks to them for hosting, as it requires a lot of coordination. Technical Advisory Committee members were also present to assist and conduct seminars. Choong Jae Nim would also like to give his appreciation to the TAC members for their diligence and efforts. He would also like to acknowledge and thank all those who attended, whether travelling from near or far, and hopes to see everyone on July 27th, 2018 at the 15th International Tang Soo Do Federation World Championship in Washington, D. C. Tang Soo!

Back Row, left to right: Master Benito Morales Garcia , Master Kerry Roudebush, Master Robert Venturino, Master Dean Kelly, Master Mike Cerrito, Master Mark Pagano, TAC Secretary Master Chris DuFour, Master Ed Shakoske Front Row, left to right: General Secretary Master Joe Bruno, Choong Jae Nim C. S. Kim, TAC Chairman Master Y. D. Kim

General Secretary Joe Bruno, Kyo Sa Nim Eloy Tapia, Choong Jae Nim C. S. Kim, Kyo Sa Nim Juan Marinas, TAC Chairman Master Y. D. Kim

General Secretary Joe Bruno, Master Ricardo Pacheo, Master Maria Luz Teran, Choong Jae Nim C. S. Kim, Master Benito Morales, Kyo Sa Nim Maria Olivia De Los Angeles, Master Jared Sastre, TAC Chairman Master Y. D. Kim

General Secretary Joe Bruno, Choong Jae Nim C. S. Kim, Chief Instructor and President of ITF Haiti Master Croimain Roberson, TAC Chairman Master Y. D. Kim

General Secretary Joe Bruno, Mr. Tomas Marcos Gomez, Choong Jae Nim C. S. Kim, Chief Instructor and President of ITF Chile Master Americo Marcos Diaz, TAC Chairman Master Y. D. Kim

Masters - Black Belt Seminar Hosts Kyo Sa Nim William and Yennie Ince
TAC Chairman Master Y. D. Kim, the Ince Family, Choong Jae Nim C. S. Kim
ITF Event in Atlanta a Success!
Posted September 27, 2017
Provided by Master Chris DuFour
September 15-16, 2017 – Brown’s Martial Arts recently hosted an ITF seminar and testing in Atlanta, Georgia. Master Brown and his students worked very hard to make sure that their event was a success. “I would like to take the time to thank Sa Bom Nim’s Chris Dufour (FL), Edward Shakoske (NC), and Kyo Sa Nim Dufour FL) for their assistance in the testing and seminar at Brown's Martial Arts," said Master Brown. "BMA students were very excited to receive the instruction from such esteem Martial Artists. The testing was the most formal testing we have had since BMA's opening. This is not to minimize the past but this gave our students a look at the ITF from a different perspective. We look forward to establishing an annual commitment, this will give BMA students something to strive for. They want to do their best in the midst of members from the Technical Advisory Committee. BMA thrives to be a formidable entity in the community of which it provides service, we seek to grow and provide opportunity to those that would otherwise not have an opportunity to grow.”

Regional Black Belt Examinations
Posted April 28, 2017
On April 22, 2017 Regional Black Belt Examinations were held at Master Chris DuFour's school, Pensacola Tang Soo Do Academy in Pensacola, FL. Participating schools included Pensacola Tang Soo Do Academy (FL), Y. D. Kim Karate (TX), Kim's Tang Soo Do (TX), Central Karate (LA), Zachary Karate (LA) and Ince Karate (TX). The following school owner Masters were in attendance: Masters Y.D. Kim (TX), Rick Garwood (TX), Chris DuFour (FL), Ed Shakoske (NC), LeBaron Brown (GA) and Sean Kennedy (LA).

Photo courtesy of Master Chris DuFour