International Tang Soo Do Federation

C. S. Kim Karate Inter-School Tournament: October 22, 2022
Posted November 14, 2022

International Tang Soo Do Federation - CHILE
Posted November 2, 2022

"Tang Soo Kyo Sa Nim Tomas Marcos!
Thank you for sending the wonderful group pictures. I looked at each picture carefully and I can see everyone tried to practice the authentic Tang Soo Do way. Thank you Kyo Sa Nim Tomas Marcos. I am very proud of you, and I am looking forward to all of your students come to the 2023 World Championship in July. Please say hello and Tang Soo! to everyone."
-Choong Jae Nim Chun Sik Kim

Dan Promotion: Dan Promotion - Community College, Monroeville, PA
Posted November 2, 2022

"Tang Soo Master Kim!
I treasure this moment in my life and thank you for sharing this martial art. There are not words to express my gratitude for what it has represented in my life."
-Master Kristen Venturino
C. S. Kim Karate - Oakmont, PA
Masters - Seminar, Recertification + Promotion
School Owners + Black Belts Seminar
Posted October 13, 2022
Tang Soo Choong Jae Nim,
On my drive home from our Masters, School Owners and Black Belt seminar on October 8th I had some time to reflect on our amazing weekend of training. I wanted to take this opportunity to share a few of my thoughts with you.
I would like to start by saying how proud I am of our Choong Jae Nim. Our Choong Jae Nim puts the time and effort into our Authentic Tang Soo Do to make sure that it is perfect, the way it should be. He makes sure that it is taught to us the way it was taught to him. We need to ensure that we continue to teach it the way he teaches us. Choong Jae Nim we all appreciate and love the energy and enthusiasm you bring when you teach us.
I am also very proud of our technical committee. Everyone of you, from the Chairman, Master YD Kim to all the members, work so hard to make sure that every event we run is an absolute success. Your dedication to our Authentic Tang Soo Do is very much appreciated by all of our members. Thank you for all you do to help us learn and be successful.
Our members, the Masters, Black Belts and School Owners are some of the best people to be around. They love our martial art and practice hard to learn it. They do it with such enthusiasm and amazing spirit. It’s contagious. You cant help but want to practice harder when we all train together.
Finally, I am proud and honored to be the General Secretary of such an amazing Federation. It is truly an honor to serve all of you and do everything and anything I can to help this great group of martial artists.
Thank you all so much.
Tang Soo!!
Master Derek DePaolis
General Secretary
International Tang Soo Do Federation
October 7, 2022 Technical Advisory Committee Meeting

October 8, 2022 Black Belt Seminar
Master Cristina Costa from Portugal visits ITF HQ and receives her 6th Dan Certificate
Posted October 3, 2022
I am very proud of Master Costa of Portugal. Officially she was promoted to 6th Dan in July 2019.
But she did not want to receive her certificate by mail. She wanted to receive it in person from her Choong Jae Nim. I have been holding her 6th Dan certificate until August 24 2022. She had the opportunity to finally come to the United States from Portugal. She came and practiced with ITF Vice President Joe Bruno, Master Pat Leach, Master Kristin Venturino, and I. She was very excited an happy to train with these wonderful people and finally receive her 6th Dan certificate. She is a good Master, she helps her black belts and students and Her husband Kyo Sa Nim Costa. The International Tang Soo Do Federation appreciates their support and Tang Soo Do spirit. She received a Certificate of Merit and KyoSa Nim Costa received a Letter of Appreciation. These are well deserved honors for their effort and leadership.
Congratualtions and continue to show your attitude and spirit. Master and Kyo Sa Nim Costa
Tang Soo!!!
Choong Jae Nim

International Tang Soo Do Federation European Championship
Posted August 2, 2022
The 2022 International Tang Soo Do Federation European Championship was held in Beilstein, Germany on July 22- 24, 2022 and hosted by Sa Bom Nim Annette Salles. During this 3 day event, Masters and Dan Examinations, Seminars and a Tournament were held. Congratulations and thank you to all those who participated and travelled from near and far to show their support for our ITF family members in Europe. TANG SOO!